
This page is meant to describe the various algorithm implementations used in the library and possible ways to improve these implementations. These have been provided to help learners understand the algorithms and help contributors in improving the implementation by replacing the inefficient algorithms with efficient ones.

procedure dijkstra_search(Graph g, Point in, Point out):

    for each vertex v in Graph:
        dist[v] <- INFINITY
        parent[v] <- UNDEFINED
    dist[in] = 0

    while True:
        curr = vertex with min dist  # uses sorting, can be improved by using a heap
        if no vertex in Graph:
            return "No path found"

        if curr is out:
            construct path from list of parents
            return path

        for n in neighbors of curr:
            d = dist[curr] + edge_weight(curr, n)
            if d < dist[n]:
                parent[n] = curr
                dist[n] = d

        delete curr from Graph
procedure breadth_first_search(Graph g, Point in, Point out):

    for each vertex v in graph:
        visited[v] <- FALSE
        parent[v] <- UNDEFINED

    create an empty queue Q

    visited[in] <- TRUE
    parent[in] <- in

    while Q is not empty:
        curr = Q.pop()

        for n in neighbors of curr:
            if visited[n] == FALSE:
                visited[n] <- TRUE
                parent[n] <- curr

                if (curr == out):
                    reconstruct the path to in
                    return path
    return "no path found"

Graph Builder

Probabiistic Graph Builder

Voronoi Graph Builder


Potential Field Interpolator