MPEL Tutorials

Using a pre-built planner

The code below shows how to use a motion planner provided by the library for motion planning

#include <mpel/core.hpp>
#include <mpel/builtins.hpp>

using namespace mpel;

int main() {
    Planner::Config pc = voronoi_planner_config();  // Pre-built planner configuration
    Planner p(pc); // Define a voronoi roadmap planner

    Workspace ws; = load_map_from_image("004.bmp"); // load the workspace map from a bitmap
                                             // this is currently the ONLY method for
                                             // loading maps

    ProblemDefinition pdef;      // Definition of the problem to be solved
    pdef.start = Point(50,50);
    pdef.goal = Point(400,400);

    p.load_workspace(ws);        // load workspace into the planner
    Path path = p.solve(pdef);   // solve the given problem and give the path as output

    View v("Voronoi Planner");   // Display the results
    View::stay(); // Prevent the program from exiting

    return 0;