API Reference

This section gives a detailed description of the API. It is strongly suggested that you go through the Primer before reading the API Reference. If you are looking for tutorials, they are available here.

MPEL utilizes OpenCV for a lot a operations in the background. Several datatypes are borrowed directly from OpenCV. In such cases the code provided if merely a representation of the actual implementation.


This header contains everything which is required for implementing one's own planning algorithm. The header is further divided into related sections



struct Point {
    int x, y;  // NOTE: Only integer coordinates are allowed
    Point(int X, int Y) : x(X), y(Y) {}
typedef const Point& PointRef;

The Point class supports several operations like addition, subtraction and multiplication with scalar.


struct Segment {
    Point p0, p1;
    Segment(PointRef a, PointRef b) : p0(a), p1(b) {}
typedef const Segment& SegmentRef;

The Segment datatype is a struct containing two points.


typedef std::vector<Point> Path;
typedef const Path& PathRef;

The Path datatype is implemented as a vector of points and therefore supports all the operations allowed on a std::vector.


typedef cv::Mat Map;
typedef const Map& MapRef;

A Map is a 2D matrix which represents the workspace as an occupancy grid. Map supports the clone() operation which is required whenever a Map needs to be copied.


class Graph {
    typedef size_t vertex_t;

    void add_edge(Point pt1, Point pt2, double weight = 0);
    size_t descriptor(PointRef pt) const;
    size_t num_vertices() const;
    Point vertex(size_t descriptor) const;
    double weight(PointRef a, PointRef b) const;
    double weight(size_t a, size_t b) const;
    const std::vector<Point>& vertex_list() const;
typedef const Graph& GraphRef;

The current implementation of Graph is an incidence matrix. It supports the following operations:


struct Workspace {
    Map map;


struct ProblemDefinition {
    Point start;
    Point goal;

This datatype is used to specify the planning problem and pass it to the motion planner.

Utility Functions

MPEL provides several utility functions which are useful when building your own algorithms. The functions provided are:

Motion Planner



This header file contains definitions of all the pre-built components provided with the library. The section is divided into related sections.

Graph Builders

The library contains following graph builders

Graph Searches

The library contains the following graph search algorithms


MPEL Contains the following interpolators

Planner Configs

MPEL provides pre-built planner configurations for the following planners